Cucumber Salad
Ingredients: 2 Cucumbers, 1 tbsp Salt, 1 tsp Rice Vinegar, 1/2 tbsp Soy Sauce, 1 tsp Sugar, 1/4 tsp Sesame Oil
Thinly slice cucumber and mix with salt, leave in fridge overnight. Rise and remove water and salt from cucumbers.
Mix in Vinegar, Soy Sauce, Sugar and Sesame Oil. Leave in fridge for an hour or longer.
Egg Salad Sandwich
Ingredients: Bread, Egg, 2-3 Tbsp Japanese-style Mayo, pinch of Salt and Black Pepper
Boil egg for 12min, peel egg and mix with other ingredients in bowl. The rest is pretty straight forward. I usually toast the bread first so it's crispy.
Tofu Dango w/ Mitarashi Sweet Soy Sauce
Dango ingredients: 1/2 cube tofu (200g?), 2 cups Glutonous rice flour (usually in a green bag at asian markets)
Mitarashi ingredients: 1/3 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, 1 tbsp corn starch, 2 tsbp soy sauce, 1 tbsp mirin
For the Dango: mix the tofu and rice flour together into a soft dough. If it is too crumbly, then add a tiny amount of water and mix, until it eventually becomes dough like. Roll into a snake and then cut into 1/2inch squares. Roll pieces into ball shape.
Boil a pot of water and add dango balls, then gently stir so they don't get stuck to the pan.
When the balls float to the surface they are ready. It should only take a couple minutes, and can become mushy if boiled too long.
For the Mitarashi Sauce: Mix all ingredients in a bowl, pour into sauce pan. Stir until simmering, then remove from heat.
Wait for the liquid to cool down to check if it's a thick consistency. If it's too thin, than you can add it back to the heat for a little longer.