Pixel Art Help
Paint.NET |
What I originally used for making pixel art, it's good since you can have reference images be layers (TODO: check if Aseprite can also do this) An all around basic image editing tool. |
Aseprite (Steam) |
I do all my current pixel art using this software, if you're also making pixel-y things it is 100% recommended you get it as well. This is available on Steam and goes on sale, so I would wishlist it and wait til then. |
Artwork and Animation
The very first version was avaiable for free download back in the day, but no longer on their site... You can also wishlist the latest versions on Steam, they go on sale sometimes. |
FireAlpaca |
Another image editing software, I used it for a little bit but sometimes crashes on my old laptop. |
The OG image editor. Don't let the interface scare you, there are tutorials all over Youtube. |
OpenToonz |
A free animation tool. If you're looking to make animated pixel art go with Aseprite instead, this is more for traditional and CGI art. |
Blender (Steam) |
3D Modeling and Animation software. Also available on Steam. |
Game Development
Godot (Steam) |
A very good free game engine, comparible to Unity. There are plenty of youtube tutorials and a large dev community. |
I used this in a university course and found it pretty neat. There's no GUI compared to the other game dev tools in this list, but if you already know how to program you can figure it out. |
Adventure Game Studio |
Do you like Sierra / Lucas Art games from the 90s? Want to make your own? Here's a game engine for that. |
RPGMaker (Steam 2000) (Steam 2003) (Steam XP) (Steam VXAce) (Steam MV) (Steam MZ) |
Older versions sometimes are available at deep discounts or for free during Steam sales. Usually I just use this for prototyping, but there are plenty of plugins on Itch.IO and forums to extend what you can do in the game. I would recommend MV or later since the plugins and code is in Javascript. XVAce uses Ruby, the built-in IDE isn't good, and documentation is harder to find. Not sure about the older versions. |
Itch.IO |
Publish whatever whacky game/demo/assets you created here. Or join a Game Jam and win developer street cred. IDK. You can also find assets for your game developing needs. |
Ren'Py |
Want to make a visual novel? Here's a free engine for that. This also uses Python, if you got the skills you can probably also utilize PyGame with this to extend what you can create. |
A game engine created in the early 90s and something I messed around with in middle school. A relic of the past. So many trippy and life-changing games. Burger Joint was a classic. Nowadays it requires DosBox to run. |
DOSBox |
Lo' and behold, it's DOSBox. If you acutally wanted to try your hand at ZZT above, you may need to use this. When I have a really old DOS game I need to play, I usually download this, make a shortcut to the desktop, then drag and drop the game file to the DOSBox shortcut to get it to load. |
Free Games
(Note: I'm not going to be putting content warnings on these unless I know there's clearly *spicy* scenes in it. Blood/gore/violence/etc. will not get a content warning. Some of these I haven't even played yet (I have a HUGE backlog). View at your own risk.)
Sonic Robo Blast 2 |
A 3D Sonic fangame. I will get to actually playing this someday. |
Sonic Galactic |
A 2D Sonic fangame, also has Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper! |
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit |
Another Sonic fangame, based on the Game Gear Sonic game. |
Sonic and the Fallen Star |
Yet another Sonic fangame. |
Pokemon Uranium |
A complete fangame for pokemon with new critters to catch. Here's the wiki, you can find the download. I liked playing this one but it kind of lags on my old laptop. |
Digital: A Love Story |
Haven't played this one yet, looks interesting. I found this one when I came cross the chiptune music "4Mat - Paperdolls". |
Elona |
A very VERY difficult but addicting rougelike game. There's also an updated verison called Elona+, which I would recommend over the original. There is a wiki for this game which has good strategies for not dying. |
Peret Em Heru |
Haven't played this one yet, looks like a horror game with some gore. Has old-school anime style graphics. I like Egypt. |
A cult classic with a blend of minimalist overworld graphics and hand drawn battle art. The music is atmospheric and the battle tune is catchy. I played this one years ago and highly recommended. |
IVAN (Iter Vehemens ad Necem) |
Another very VERY difficult but addicting rougelike game. You will die often in this. Also you start out with a puppy companion :). |
Tyrant |
A fun rougelike from my childhood. It's a java applet, if I figure out how to get it to work again I will update this blurb. |
Tales Of Maj'Eyal (Paid Steam Ver.) |
A rougelike with a paid Steam version that has more content, I think. Not as difficult as some of the others on this list, and you get things like revives if you die. Also has auto exploring. |
Stone Soup (Single-player GUI Version) |
This has some sort of multiplayer tournament version which I haven't tried yet. Anyway, it's another pure dungeon-crawling rougelike. |
I haven't played this one yet, but it has interesting creepy artwork. The series order seems to be Middens -> Gingiva -> Cremate Roadkill. |
gu-l |
A horror game I haven't played yet. Aparently requires RPG Maker 2000 Runtime-package. |
Tales of a Drunk Paladin |
RPGMaker game I haven't played yet. |
A long RPGMaker game I haven't played yet |
Travian |
A MMO strategy game from my childhood that I like but also takes a lot of time/checking back in. Has a friendly community for newbies. I most recently tried it again during 2020, I think they may have changed how the game works from when I was a kid. |
Indie Games On Steam
Look at this guy's artwork. LOOK AT IT. Also consider playing the game if you like what you see. The first one is more of a basic RPGMaker game, but the second one is a lot more fleshed out. |
I HAVE played this one! A classic short horror RPG. I'm not sure why you would get the Steam version when there's the free version available, but whatever, you do you. Maybe the Steam version has extras or fixes bugs. |
Don't Open The Doors |
An isometric claymation ARPG game. The controls are a little difficult. Similar style to Neverhood but a little less whimsical. |
Armikrog |
From the same creator as the Neverhood. A short but well put together claymation game. Has about the same amount of puzzles and difficulty as the Neverhood. They had a Kickstarter and are more well known but I would still consider this an indie title. |
Indie Games On Itch.IO
(I will add some games to this I swear...)